a Holiday!
Unit 1 level 7-8 i. Preview Do Review - planning ahead, asking what do I need to know, what is the question, what is the task, what is the problem? Before we start we need to plan. Preparation
can help us avoid problems later on. It can speed up the process
because we can cope with difficulties before they happen.
Finished? How did you decide? There are other things you could do too,
but what did you choose to do first? Did you place f very near the beginning? There's no disadvantage to doing f very early, but if you don't do it you might find you've cleared your room but the DIY shop is now closed or you can't get there in time. Organising your time is as important as organising your materials. Did you place d before e? It's worth spending time thinking about choosing the right colours well before you start. After all, you'll be living with these colours for a long time and getting it wrong could be expensive and unpleasant. Did you choose the order k, l, j, i, h ? Done in this order will mean you're least likely to splash other surfaces after they've been prepared or painted. If you have the order f, c, d, e, k, a, b, g, l, j, i, h you are probably doing things in the right order - well done! If your order is slightly different think carefully. Could you make life easier for yourself? ii. Questions to Ask Now we've agreed that planning ahead is
a good idea, here are some questions you should ask before you
start on a project.
You might ask questions which start with
such as: Write down the questions in your word processing program then place them into your preferred order. Ask a friend to check the order you've placed your questions. Do you both agree? Have you avoided the things which are most likely to go wrong? For example:
Repairing a bike puncture - or you could plan another activity for yourself. Whatever you do, whether it's researching a school project, planning an expedition or a holiday, deciding which CD player or bike to buy, organising your weekend to make the most of your time... plan ahead! Go on to Unit Two |
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