Plan a Holiday!

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This is an Information Handling Unit.

There are 11 lessons of about one hour. Key Stage 4.

This covers assessment targets in English and ICT through planning a holiday.

"Any fool can know
the point is to understand"
(Albert Einstein)

Information handling is a skill which is essential in this information rich age.
This skill or set of skills must be taught in an integrated way, not in isolation, seen as a part of all learning not just taught in one lesson.
Teachers reading this might reflect on how these skills might form part of their teaching and schools might appreciate that when all departments use this set of strategies or a unified approach to information handling, every department and every teacher finds it easier, while every pupil is equipped with the tools of finding out.
Using a computer for editing, processing and presenting work also benefits all parties, moving away from the traditional "how to word process" model towards using the unique information processing potential which only good word processing software can give.
There are several techniques which are helpful in developing your ability to handle information.
Most of the following lessons rely on digital information and so you should be familiar with the word processing skills of copy, paste, inserting text and moving blocks of text.

This lesson scheme loosely follows the six stages of

  • planning
  • locating and gathering
  • selecting and appraising
  • organising and recording
  • communicating and realising
  • evaluating

It relates to the following English National Curriculum Targets:

En1 Speaking & Listening, En2 Reading & Writing
"select, compare and synthesise information from different texts" En2 4a p50
"sift the relevant from the irrelevant and distinguish between fact and fiction, bias and objectivity" 4c p50
"to extract meaning beyond the literal ..." En2 1a p49
"take different views into account" En1 3b p46
"sift, summarise and use the most important points" En1 3c p47
"plan, draft and redraft" En3 2a p52
"organise ideas and information, distinguishing between analysis and comment" En3 1n p52
"clarify and synthesise others' ideas" En1 3e p47
"use a range of techniques and different ways of organising and structuring material to convey ideas, themes and characters" En3 1d p52
"distinguish features of presentation" En1 2c p46
"present material clearly, using appropriate layout, illustrations and organisation" En3 1h p52
"analyse review and comment" En3 7d p54
"use vocabulary, structures and grammar of spoken standard English fluently and accurately ..." En1 5 p47 also En11f p46


It also addresses the well known list:
who, what, why, where, when, and how

Lesson Scheme (11 x one hour lessons) Suitable for Key Stage 4

1. Preview Do Review - planning ahead, asking what do I need to know, what is the question, what is the task, what is the problem?
2. Nine Step Plan / NC info handling steps
Ask a question, consider what resources are available, locate, select, compare ....
3. Combining and updating knowledge from more than one source. How would you make the text more thorough, check its accuracy etc
4. Ways of extracting information: notemaking, underlining, highlighting, "trash and treasure", skimming, scanning, selecting.
5. Checking accuracy and reliability. Plagiarism; accuracy, reliability, bias.
6. More elaborate combining of data.
7. Keywords, contents, indexes, data bases, search engines
8 - 10. Web Quest . Plan a holiday - exercise in finding out.
11. How did you do ? (evaluation)

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