National Curriculum Skills, English. ICT Skills Information Literacy Skills

En1 Speaking & Listening

"take different views into account" En1 3b

"sift, summarise and use the most important points" 3c

"clarify and synthesise others' ideas" 3e

"distinguish features of presentation" 2c

"use vocabulary, structures and grammar of spoken standard English fluently and accurately" 5 also 1f


En2 Reading

"to extract meaning beyond the literal ..." 1a

"select, compare and synthesise information from different texts" 4a

"sift the relevant from the irrelevant and distinguish between fact and fiction, bias and objectivity" 4c

En3 Writing

"organise ideas and information, distinguishing between analysis and comment" 1n

"use a range of techniques and different ways of organising and structuring material to convey ideas, themes and characters" 1d

"present material clearly, using appropriate layout, illustrations and organisation" 1h

"plan, draft and redraft" 2a

"analyse review and comment" En3 7d


Information Skills
Contact Duncan Grey for more information. Last updated 19.07.16