Describing People


O'Reilly has been described in many different ways - some more favourable than others. Which do you think are most favourable and what differences are there between the descriptions?

 Raging O'Reilly

Dan O'Reilly, a local publican

 Mr O'Reilly

Mr D O'Reilly, member of the Licensed Victuallers' Association

 Desperate Dan

Shy hero, Dan O'Reilly

 Respected publican, Mr Daniel O'Reilly

O'Reilly, D. licensee

The following descriptions are taken from three daily newspapers.
Notice how, although they describe the same people, they do so in different ways.

 The Sun

Daily Mirror

The Guardian
 The Earl of St Andrews, 24, 17th in line to the throne  The shy Earl of St Andrews, a cousin of the Queen.
The 24-year-old earl, whose name is George
 The Earl of St Andrews, aged 24, oldest son of the Duke and Duchess of Kent.
 Canadian lover Sylvana Tomaselli, 29, a divorcee  Sylvana Tomaselli, 29, a lapsed Roman Catholic  Miss Sylvana Tomaselli, the 29-year-old Canadian
 Ace Allan
Allan Lamb, the 32-year-old batsman dropped by England
 England reject, Allan Lamb  Allan Lamb
 John McEnroe, three-times Wimbledon champion
Tired MacEnroe
 Tormented superstar John McEnroe
Fallen star John McEnroe
 John McEnroe

* Which descriptions give most information?
The descriptions may be made up of title, forename, surname, general words, age, job, ....

* How close to the beginning of the phrase does the name come?

* What kinds of words appear before the name?

* Make your own collection of different ways in which the same person is described

Here is one common sequence:
 describing phrase first name without surname
perky pensioner Doris

or in reverse:
first name without surname  describing phrase
Doris the perky pensioner

and here is a different sequence:

title  first name surname describing phrase
 Mr  Edward Chaplin first secretary in Tehran

* Find other sequences of words used to describe people.

* Which sequences are preferred by which newspapers?
* Collect pictures of people from newspapers and describe them in your own words using these techniques.

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