Language in use  
English Language & Linguistics

English Language



Romeo and Juliet

RnJ - txt vsn

What is gained and what is lost in the texting version of Romeo and Juliet given here?

What attitude may it be said to have towards young texters and classic literature?

Any comments about the effects of the mixture of Shakespearean language and modern terminology?

Is there more to a Shakespeare play than a bare story? What?


Romeo and Juliet Net Txt Version
------------------------ Act 1 --------------------------

Romeo : R u awake? Want 2 chat?
Juliet: O Rom. Where4 art thou?
Romeo: Outside yr window.
Juliet: Stalker!
Romeo: Had 2 come. feeling jiggy.
Juliet: B careful. My family h8 u.
Romeo: Tell me about it. What about u?
Juliet: 'm up for marriage f u are.. Is tht a bit fwd?
Romeo: No. Yes. No. Oh, dsnt mat-r, 2moro @ 9?
Juliet: Luv U xxxx
Romeo: CU then xxxx
------------------------ Act 2 --------------------------

Friar: Do u?
Juliet: I do
Romeo: I do
------------------------ Act 3 --------------------------

Juliet: Come bck 2 bed. It's the nightingale not the lark.
Romeo: OK
Juliet: !!! I ws wrong !!!. It's the lark. U gotta go. Or die.
Romeo: Damn. I shouldn't hv wasted Tybalt & gt banished.
Juliet: When CU again?
Romeo: Soon. Promise. Dry sorrow drinks our blood. Adieu.
Juliet: Miss u big time.
------------------------ Act 4 --------------------------

Nurse: Yr mum says u have 2 marry Paris!!
Juliet: No way. Yuk yuk yuk. n-e-way, am mard 2 Rom.
------------------------ Act 5 --------------------------

Friar: Really? O no. U wl have 2 take potion that makes u look ded.
Juliet: Gr8.
------------------------ Act 6 --------------------------

Romeo: J-why r u not returning my texts?
Romeo: RUOK? Am abroad but phone still works.
Romeo: TEXT ME!
Batty: Bad news. J dead. Sorry m8.
------------------------ Act 7 --------------------------

Romeo: J-wish u wr able 2 read now poisoning & and climbing in yr grave. LUV U Ju xxxx
------------------------ Act 8 --------------------------

Juliet: R-got yr text! Am alive! Ws faking it! Whr RU? Oh...
Friar: Vry bad situation.
Juliet: Nightmare. LUVU2. Always. Dagger.


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